Monday, September 5, 2011

5 September 2011....Eighth Letter from Germany

Hallo familie und freunde ,

I’m having a great time here!!! and it’s pretty great to try to find people that will hear the gospel even if most of them don’t want anything to do with the church and the gospel. So the whole story with Eckhat...We started the waving thing a while ago and about 2 weeks ago, we saw someone that waved to us at a stop light and we hesitated to go up to the car. So, we decided that the next time we would go up to the car and give them a card or at least say hi....

so when we saw Eckhat waved back, we immediately ran and it worked out for the best.... Also during the lesson, he said that he felt something special about us when he saw us on the street! I love teaching the gospel.

This week elder Hamilton and i have so many appointments. I’m so pumped. Last week, we worked very hard and made many appointments with new people that we will meet this week. I’m so excited to invite these children of god back to Christ!!! We only need to keep up the work and we will see more and more miracles.

Yesterday I found some really interesting scriptures that I have decided to make my motto for this week. I don’t know exactly where it is because I’ve been looking up so many scriptures lately haha. but anyway the scripture is talking about the liahona and when lehi and his family were diligent and had faith, the liahona worked.... It was by the small and simple faith and diligence that miracles are accomplished... But when we slack off and are not so diligent and loose our faith, the miracles cease. I think it may be in alma 37:40 and 41 but I’m not sure... Speaking of miracles... yesterday a miracle took place! With a woman named Annette. I found her name and number on an old sheet of investigators. It was separate from the 'area book' but I decided that we should call her up and see if she would like to meet with us. She surprisingly wanted to meet with us the next day. SO we met Friday and taught her the plan of salvation... It went really well and she was interested. We invited her to church just the same as we invite everyone to church and... she came!!! However her commitment to come to church came with a condition, we would go to her church... A Harry Krishna 'temple' she said she felt a good spirit at church and she really enjoys the challenge and open invitation to ask God for yourself to find out if the church is true. We later went to the Harry Krishna temple. It was interesting to see how other churches worship God.... Afterwards, we tried to make an appointment with Annette and she said she would not have time this week to meet with us and didn’t want to come to church next week. I was really bummed out after this. I was upset that she was “kept” from the truth even though she knew where to find it. I was sad and frustrated and really down on myself and on missionary work. I thought that because I hadn’t said the right thing it was my fault that she wouldn’t be able to enjoy the blessings of the gospel. After we got home and broke our fast, she texted us and asked us if we had time today at 6:30!!! wow I was really thinking she had slipped through our fingers! The spirit really works on people. ... So the temple was a little different. They sang songs for about 2 hours straight; one of which was accompanied with dancing... haha it was great. They believe in an enigmatic being as God who has a split personality and isn’t a father of our spirits. During this service and one of their talks, I had the strong impression that we are children of a heavenly father who loves us and he is there waiting for us. I love that the church is true. It’s so amazing that we have the entirety of the truth. We have the organization that Jesus established and that has always been. We have revelation from god that leads the church and its so amazing. The doctrines of the book of Mormon help us to understand the importance of the savior and the true purpose of his earthly ministry. It’s so true. I love it.

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