Saturday, August 20, 2011

15 August 2011...Fifth letter from Germany (addendum)

August 15,2011….Monday

I have not bought a camera yet but i am planning on buying one today!

Yes exactly! Faith is a gift that comes from obedience... From obedience, reading scriptures, praying, going to church, and basically being in situations that we can feel the spirit and when we are obedient, we are worthy to have the spirit with us... I’ve learned that faith is truly amazing; it is by faith that miracles are done. In 3rd Nephi, Jesus says that he literally could not show the people in Jerusalem the miracles he showed the Nephites because the people did not have enough faith. In Ether it says that by faith was the atonement accomplished; by faith the world was made. I don’t understand it at all, but I teach about it everyday!

This week we had another street set up. I ended up meeting a guy with a St. Louis shirt on. He goes to school in Carbondale. He is a really cool guy. His name is Christian and he is an atheist. haha He speaks perfect English and I was able to teach him on the street for about an hour. He is a super cool guy and he will be in Missouri in a couple of days. He said he would gladly welcome missionaries there so I will give his information to the office so they can teach him out there. But it is great to know that there are still people here and everywhere that the lord has prepared and are willing to listen to the gospel. I gave his brother in law a copy of the book of Mormon and we had a great conversation. It was really nice to teach in English... by myself and just say what I know is true and to try to help others understand the same thing.

Oh man, Garrett is in Ghana wow. That would be so nice. Every single African we see here we try to talk to because they are so open to the gospel. Just about every single African is willing to meet with missionaries! Its amazing. He is very lucky in that way. And Travis is in the MTC...That’s so great.

P.S. we have been teaching a woman that wants to know everything about the gospel and the really deep doctrine. Its crazy and I have been studying the pearl of great price. hah it’s great.

I love you and let everyone know that I am doing well
and loving it in Germany!

Elder Sonne

Monday, August 15, 2011

15 August 2011...Fifth letter from Germany

Date: Monday, August 15, 2011, 5:52 AM

Its good to hear that you were all okay from all the bad weather... it seems like every time we drive back from Michigan there is awful weather!

Yea, so the Muslim leader is super busy and we are going to be able to meet him and go to the mosque on September 1st. The other Muslims are leaving for Saudi Arabia and anther doesn't want to meet because its Ramadan and he is fasting and is tired.

So transfers are on Wednesday and i will be receiving a new comp. his name is elder Hamilton. I don't know very much about him but I'm excited!

We were able to get a hold of more people this weekend and have more appointments for the week. We also have a new member who was just baptized 3 months ago that can speak Arabic and can help us with some of the middle easterners. he is very willing and a great guy.

This week i decided to read some from the account of the people who experienced Jesus coming to visit the Americas. It was interesting that Jesus speaks to them 3 times. The first two times, the people cannot understand the words which were spoken. But the third time, because they were looking steadfastly and listening for the voice that they could hear the words of the lord. This is what I experience everyday. Most of people are so far gone that they cannot even feel the spirit as it pierces them to the soul. But the ones that do, they do not understand the feeling of the spirit at first. As missionaries we are to bring the spirit to the people we teach and teach them to recognize that the feeling is the spirit. Then we ask the people to pray to know if our message is true. When they do this; when they truly,steadfastly look toward the source of truth and truly ponder and truly seek an answer with faith and a sincere heart and real is then that they understand the words of the Lord. They understand the truth of our message: That God is our heavenly father, and just as he called prophets in the bible, he has called a prophet once again for the people today. The lord leads and guides his church through this prophet. This is the truth and the ones that understand this are the ones that ponder and allow the words of Christ to sink deep into their heart like Enos and wrestle with God to know if it is true. And by the power of the holy ghost they know it is true. By that power I know that the true church is restored on the earth. I love it .