Monday, May 28, 2012

28 May 2012 Sixteenth Letter from Switzerland

28 may 2012
From: Scott Sonne <>
Date: May 28, 2012 9:12:15 AM CDT
To: Rick Sonne <>
Subject: Re: Weekly letter 5/27/12
Hey dad!!!

The old people loved that we were singing with them. They don’t get very much attention so they really appreciate it when we go walking with them.
Our investigators are doing amazingly well... the boy that had a Lamoni experience, we don’t really have contact with him. But we have 3 baptismal candidates, or dates with Paul, Pascha, and Eric. Paul is an older man, about 65 or 70.Pascha is about 50 and is from turkey. Eric is from America and is 35. Eric is just a miracle. For the last 3 months, I’ve wanted to drop him, but I felt like I shouldn’t. We asked the bishop and he said we should stick with it. So we have. We saw him on a train and said “hello”. He said... yea why don’t i get baptized??? I said... yea why not... almost jokingly because we almost stopped visiting him and he has never made real progress. And then we talked to him on the phone and I said it again. Yea, you should get baptized. We explained it and he seemed pretty excited. Then yesterday we watched “Finding Faith in Christ” and talked about his baptism and set the date for the fourth of July in the river here!!! Haha
And he really wants to do it! The lord works through his leaders and through the spirit in ways we cannot understand with our small perspective here on earth, in this body. The lord works with everybody although we are all on different levels. But he invites all to come unto him with out price!
.... the gospel is true and Jesus overcame sadness, so we don’t have to be stuck in the thick mud of sin. 

Scott Sonne
May 28 (13 days ago)
to me
Hey mama!!!
Yep ... sometimes it seems to go by as a dream... super fast. Sometimes it seems like I’ve been here my whole life and I know nothing but preaching the gospel; it’s odd.

The Book of Mormon is the best.  We have to show our faith... Our witness comes after the trial of our faith. We have to take the step before the stair appears in front of us.
Mom... thanks for all of the amazing birthdays and for your continual example: Today I studied the ???? day after day striving to become and do what Christ is and what he does. There is one do, like scripture study, but another thing is to actually do what the scriptures say. To work miracles(to do) and to really have full faith(to be); to be and to do. Cain’s offering was unacceptable because of who he was and why he was doing it. We need to think about why we do things. I would like to start doing everything out of love like Jesus Christ; his one motive was love. Love for His father in heaven and love for us. When we have this love we will do what we should and it will become an anchor in our lives and suck us into heaven.  The church is true and God is our father, and everyone’s father. Have the best week ever!!!
Elder Sonne
28 May 2012
Hello everyone!
This week has been so amazing. We experienced so many miracles and had a great time. Today we went with the ward and did a barbeque. It was great to get to know the people in the ward better and to let an investigator, Eric get to know the people and fell comfortable in the ward. We were at the top a nice green rolling hill. It is so beautiful here. We sang a bunch of songs auf Swiss German and a man played the alp horn. I felt like I was in its a small world. haha. This week we committed Eric Lieber to baptism. Eric is pure American and has had connection with the church since he was born. HE finally decided to get baptized on the fourth of July in a river! 
I had wanted to drop him and not teach anymore since I got here. But I felt like we should hold on to him. We did, just barely, and now he is getting baptized. Our father in heaven loves us and really works with us to bring each other a little bit more joy and happiness to one another; even change lives. I am so grateful for the opportunity to be able to only help people for 2 years. Christ died for us and He lives today.

Elder Sonne

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