Monday, April 9, 2012

9 April 2012...ninth letter from Switzerland

9 April 2012

jacob's on his mission.
WOW that is soooo cool ... well i need the address for the MTC then!!
I wrote a letter last week but then didn't get the chance to send it...
perfect!  Oh man That is soo cool!

Tell Brandon that I wish him a happy birthday and that he is getting
old and I hope his hair isn't turning grey yet! But that I love him and
am grateful for his example of going on a mission. I wanted to be
like him when I was little because he was a great example and always a
friend to me.

Haha Elder Hepri!!! that's soo cool! I hope you enjoy the sky room and
get the mixed berry lemonade. Its the best!  I love you so much!
 Thank you for always being there for me :)
i love you, the gospel is true, and the atonement works; not only for
justice and sins, but also so that we can have a comforter to be with
us and who knows exactly how it is. He has helped me so much
throughout the tough times and will continue to help. We can rely on
him in everything that we do!
I hope you have a great week...Thanks!

Elder Sonne